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now this is the second time that Orbin has visited Schultz in Berlin without a press conference or receiving military honors a formality that is normally granted to State visits in Berlin whilst the EU Council presidency holds little hour it does decide which topics abounce to the top of the weekly agenda meeting in Brussels and which remain at the bottom so despite the frosty reception from Schultz he has managed to carve out time to meet Orban despite a day pack to back with meetings and events next week Orbin will visit Maloney in Italy where the top EU jobs will be dished out at the end of the month candidates need 15 out of 27 EU leaders votes to receive job offers Liv in Berlin for you rise
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Fᴀ́ʙʀɪᴄɪᴏ ᴇ́ ᴜᴍ ʟɪᴢᴀʀᴅ👉🦎
Fᴀ́ʙʀɪᴄɪᴏ ᴇ́ ᴜᴍ ʟɪᴢᴀʀᴅ👉🦎
«Não temos planos para ocupar territórios ucranianos. Não vamos impor nada a ninguém pela força' rt com. A Rússia 'não tem planos' de assumir o controle da Ucrânia, diz Putin- RT Rússia e Ex-União Soviética 24/02/2022 TweetDeck
Tá valendo mais nada o Orban Fascista