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the balizer is a electrolyzer that is 100% flexible it can unlock 100% uh green hydrogen it works in taking power uh from renewable sources and using that together with water to split it into hydrogen and oxygen when producing hydrogen it can at any time stop producing hydrogen and in doing so can follow the intermittency in the power profiles which of course in an Energy System of the future using a lot of Renewables uh will be very volatile hydrogen is already uh used a lot in Industry nowadays um that is called gray hydrogen hydrogen that is produced using natural gas and therefore also emitting CO2 the sectors that are already using gray hydrogen at the moment you can think about chemical companies refineries Etc and those companies can use uh the better izer to replace their gray hydrogen with green hydrogen as well as sectors that are hard to Electrify as well as for example uh for uh Mobility uh think about heavy transport and uh shipping we’re based in the Netherlands so the first roll out of our uh one megawatt unit will be here in the Netherlands and currently we’re talking to customers across Europe to roll out our uh future uh 2 and A2 megawatt uh products [Music]
1 comentário
AplicA esse bastao lit no wesley kkkk