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plastic bottles metal cans and even fridges or tires most of the plastic in our oceans comes from Rivers so it’s vital to stop that pollution at its source but how do you clean up plastic in the danu a river which runs through nearly a dozen European countries we’re in Hungary to meet the teams trying to do just that we’re often told we’re in an ecological Race To Save the Planet these volunteers have taken that to heart gathered on hungary’s River Tisa the Dan’s longest tributary for the plastic cup a competition to collect As Much Junk as possible you’d think a place like this would be pristine but everywhere there are discarded bottles and just general plastic waste the Tia and danu flow through several countries so what happens Upstream can have a huge impact further down the river to find out more I spoke to plastic CBS project leader it’s coming from the Upstream countries how much plastic have you managed to fish out usually we can collect around a th000 kilog a day so one ton a day keeps the waste away around 150 volunteers joined this cleanup it’s always good fun making friends and having a blast and doing good this is my first time at the pet cup and I hope that every year there will be less and less trash to collect almost half the Earth surface waters are in River Basin shared by at least two countries there is a lot of pollution going on I think in every river globally the duu is transferring 1,500 tons of plastic the Tissa is around 250 and we can stop 100 tons per year and stop it getting to Oceans yes absolutely okay let’s leave this clean up for a moment and check out another event it’s called danu day Europe wide this workshop at hungary’s Water Museum in estam Tau children about the river’s ecological importance it was also a chance to find out from those managing the country’s waterways what’s being done to tackle plastic pollution how doing [Music] part working as a team then to address the issue yeah we need Cooperative stakeholders companies NOS decision makers everybody to clean up the Tissa Basin and the Daniel Basin as well is just very logical legislation and then uh action that’s it for this episode see you soon for more water matters [Music]
4 comentários
Querem travar o lixo plástico nos rios?
Comecem pelos produtores de plástico na sua origem e substituam tudo quanto puderem por utensílios de longa duração ou feitos de produtos mais amigos do ambiente.
Enquanto não fizerem isso, são apenas acções para " inglês ver". Daqui por um ano ou menos, está tudo igual.
Na Europa o povo é porco e joga lixo nos rios
Ca na aldeia não tem água potável pra beber e tomar banho, minha noiva Maria não se lava a dias ela está a cheirar bacalhau 💩🇵🇹🤣😆kkkkk
Equipas 😂🤦♀️