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a very important commitment made again today including supporting their energy needs ahead of winter so getting ahead of this winter and cracking down on the ships that are helping Russia to evade sanctions now we need to be clear Ukraine is fighting not just for the Ukrainian people though of course it is but for the European people for Freedom democracy and the rule of law and our security therefore starts in Ukraine so we pledge to president zalinski once again that we will stand with Ukraine for as long as it takes I think it’s really important that the European Union and the European family prepares to stand by Ukraine for wherever long it takes regardless of what else happens in the rest of in the rest of the world um like our support for Ukraine is not conditional on the outcome of an election in another part of the world our European values uh remain the same and consistent regardless of what any other country decides to do and it’s not for me to cut across that process H but I would hope in other parts of the world including the United States that that support for Ukraine will remain because I do recognize that on a cross-party basis in Congress that support has been quite strong the fact that the Republican National Convention is taking place at the same time as the European political Community is helpful because it gives European leaders a chance to discuss how to prepare for a more hostile United States should Donald Trump re-enter the White House and some of the issues on discussion migration defense Ukraine democracy are shared issues with the United States however there’s tcid acknowledgement at least from some leaders that depending on who wins the election will really determine how these issues are resolved sha Murray Euro News lenon Palace