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four months from now we will have an incredible Victory and we will begin the four greatest years in the history of our country please welcome the next president of the United States President Donald J Trump and therefore I will tell you exactly what happened and you’ll never hear it from me a second time because it’s actually too painful to tell behind me and to the right was a large screen that was displaying a chart of border crossings under my leadership the number were absolutely amazing in order to see the chart I started to like this turned to my right and was ready to begin a little bit further turn which I’m very lucky I didn’t do when I heard a loud whizzing sound and felt something hit me really really hard on my right ear I said to myself wow what was that they spent trillions of dollars on things having to do with the green new scam it’s a scam and that’s caused tremendous inflationary pressures in addition to the cost of energy at the heart of the Republican platform is our pledge to end this border Nightmare and fully restore the the sacred and Sovereign borders of the United States of America and we’re going to do that on day one that means two things in day one right drill baby drill and close our borders we’ll be over I don’t have wars I had no Wars other than Isis which I defeated but that was a war that was started we had no Wars I could stop Wars with a telephone call I could stop war with just a telephone call