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why are you willing to make this an issue do you think uh well one of my it happened to one of my my older boys um uh where I was um I was essentially tricked into uh signing documents uh for one of my older boys Xavier uh this is before I had really any understanding of what was going on and we had co co going on and so there was a lot of confusion um and um you know I was told oh you know say might commit suicide if if he that was a that was a lie right from the outset no reliable clinician ever believed that there was never any evidence for that and also if there’s a higher suicide rate the reason is is because of the underlying depression and anxiety and not because of the gender dysphoria and every godamn clinician knows that too and they’re too cowardly to come out and say it right and so that and we end up in exactly when when I saw that lie start to propagate it just made the hair on the back of my neck stand up it’s like I see so you’re you’re telling parents that unless they agree to this radical transformation that their children are going to die and you think that’s moral and you think that’s true that’s so P that is so pathological that it’s almost incomprehensible I can’t imagine anything worse of I can’t imagine a therapist doing anything worse than that or sitting by idly and remaining silent while his colleagues are doing it it’s pathetic uh it’s it’s uh incredibly evil and I agree with you that people that have been promoting this should go to prison I it won’t stop till that happens yeah it’ll just go underground there’s all puberty blockers are being accessed online by kids all the time through non-med channels so yeah it’s not going to stop yeah okay so I see so that’s I I was stck into doing this um and uh you it wasn’t explaining to me that PU blockers are actually just sterilization drugs um so um anyway uh and so I lost my son essentially uh so you know they uh they call it dead naming for a reason yeah right all right so the reason it’s called Dead naming is because uh your son is dead so my son Xavier is dead killed by the woke mind virus I’m sorry to hear that yeah I can’t imagine what that would be like yeah so um yeah and there’s lots of people in that situation now right it’s not pretty and lots of demolished kids yes yeah well that’s a good that’s a good reason to be the final straw all right so let’s so I about to destroy the the woke M virus after that [Music] and we’re making some progress join the club yeah
6 comentários
Fdxx esse "junta te ao clube" foi pessoal… bora
Constantemente ouvimos dizer que estamos no meio de uma guerra. Eu não acredito nessa guerra, por uma razão muito simples, em uma guerra aqueles que dela participam tem um único objetivo que é vencer. Vencer significa destruir o inimigo até que este não represente mais nenhuma ameaça. Nessa “guerra” de que falam só vejo um lado conseguindo aniquilar o inimigo e o outro lado discursando, discursando …
Bom dia obrigado que loucura que tão a fazer á juventude gente louca 🙏
Mais um abrir de olhos para muita gente.
O Jordan Peterson esteve muito mal neste podcast, sempre a interromper o Elon, parecia um fanboy!
Força e saúde, Miguel Macedo.