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the great thing about America is here Kings and dictators do not rule the people do history is in your hands the power is in your hands it’s been the honor of my life to serve as your president but in the defense of democracy which is at stake I think is more important than any title I draw strength and I find joy in working for the American people but this sacred task of perfecting our Union it’s not about me it’s about you your families your futures it’s about we the people we can never forget that and I never have America’s going to have to choose between moving forward or backward between hope and hate between unity and division we have to decide do we still believe in honesty decency respect freedom justice and democracy I believe my record as president my leadership in the world my vision for America’s future all merited a second term but nothing nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy that includes personal ambition so I’ve decided the best way forward is to pass the torch to a new generation that’s the best way to unite our nation you know there is a time and a place for long years of experience in public life there’s also a time and a place for new voices fresh voices yes younger voices and that time and place is now