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for the second day in a row the training for the triathlon competition of the Paris Olympics has been postponed because the water quality of the sen River just behind me is too polluted the main events the men’s Triathlon is supposed to take place on Tuesday and the woman’s is supposed to take place the day after on Wednesday so what happens in case uh the water quality does not improve well local authorities are insisting that they’ll just keep postponing until uh the sand becomes less polluted however let’s say in the extreme case that it doesn’t well then the triathlon will become a duathlon that means that triathletes will only compete in the cycling and running sections of the competition so that means no swimming and as for the marathon swimming events that are scheduled for August 8th and August 9th in the sen River well the city does have a plan B in case the water is still uh too polluted and that’s uh that the events will take place in a nautical Stadium East of Paris and if necessary the events could also be moved to where the canoeing and Rowing competitions are currently being held Sophia katanova reporting from Paris for your news
3 comentários
A Pampulha é melhor que este esgoto francês….
Olhem quantos Tugas boiando no Sena!😂😂😂😂
Acho essa repórter bonita….😍