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a big CH of our grains that we Source are from uh not too far away in Bamberg in this area Germany Southern Central Germany um that grain is used for the Brewing process then once it’s expended we save it it’s picked up by a local farmer that’s only a few kilometers away from here and he used that because it still has a lot of protein in it as feed for his cows which are then used and sold locally for heat so we package all of our single serving beers and cans instead of bottles because we ship so much of it outside of Germany to the rest of Europe 34 countries actually and cans take up half the weight half the space of of glass so we’re only shipping can weight it’s also 100% recyclable and there’s higher recycling rate in Germany of aluminum than there actually is for glass it’s infinitely recyclable the collaboration between the farmer and the brewery has been going on for three years since the brewery first open shop it’s a tradition that spans back to the farmer’s father who originally fed the cows in the farm the spent warts beer powered meat food without waste Liv stoud in Berlin for EUR news