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my family died in explosion last month and I was the only one to survive [Music] and my daughter was the one with the little pom poms on her head that came up in H I just wanted to say thank you because she’s really struggling with depression and you call me to dat today so thank [Music] you I a Muslim that’s okay can I can I give you a flower and Stu [Music] [Music] yeah there was a story that was brought to my attention after I made the Anita video of I was told uh a young boy named Francisco who 12 or 13 um lost his entire family quot 10 days ago in a gas explosion of their house and I was told that only a th000 or 2,000 was raised for him so far for him and his future I have a big one in the belly okay and I have some on your legs too [Music] [Music] you’re so I give you a hug bro yes