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amid growing International condemnation of Iran’s support for Russia’s war in Ukraine and over the missiles sent from Tran to Moscow The Institute for the study of war is looking into how and when Moscow is going to use them according to the us-based thing tank Russia will use the short range ballistic missiles to Target Ukrainian critical infrastructure in the coming months now this move aim seems to alleviate pressure on Russia’s own missile production while intensifying its military campaign UK Outlet the times citing Ukrainian intelligence sources reported that Iran had delivered over 2004th 360 to Russia VI Caspian Sea port on the 4th of September the 4th 360 is more difficult to intercept than the airplane like shahad drones but the missiles shorter range of 120 kilm means Russia will probably use them for the front lines or for bombardment of the cities close to the front most likely we’re talking about the regions of Sumi and Har for a bigger context since February 2022 Russia launched over 10,000 missiles and thousands of explosive drones at Ukrainian cities
7 comentários
Vamos ver se assim a população depoe o comediante que só está pensando em encher o próprio bolso de dinheiro.
ocintente acabar todos nazzi russo
Quem conhece a cornolandia..??? 😂
Número de oks mortos só aumenta cada dias tá média de 1380 a 1400 por dia
Misseis baliaticos iranianos De curto alcance . Contra teleguiados JASS missels USA de 370 km
12.200 ucranazis foram abatidos na direção de Kursk. Tem vídeos de porcos e cães devorando carcaças deles.
Usará na linha de frente porque o alcance do míssil é de apenas 150 km, reservando os Iskanders para destruir alvos mais distantes.