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renovated in 2018 the facility in tets is estimated to have stored around 30,000 tons of military goods the former Russian Deputy defense minister said back then that the site met the highest International standards and could defend weapons from missiles and even a small nuclear attack Dimitri buaka was arrested earlier this year on corruption charges the Tet amunition storage site in Russia’s region covered the area of over 5 square kilometers in size and the perimeter of more than 12 kilm Long the town of torpet is situated around 470 km north of the Ukrainian border and the destruction of the ammunition that was stored there will most likely negatively affect the northern operational group of the Russian army including the supply of troops in ksk belgar and bans according to Ukrainian sources the military side in torpet reportedly housed fuel tanks as well as missiles intended for iscandar missile systems Toka missile systems guide and aerial bombs and artillery ammunition the head of Ukraine Center for countering disinformation Andre kovalenko said that in addition to its own ammunition Russia had also started to store North Korean missiles in torpet