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despite ke’s attempts to draw away Russian forces from poos with the surprise incursion into ksk region Moscow is still prioritizing its efforts in eastern Ukraine where their offensive does not seem to ease up anytime soon the battle forros started months ago when in mid-February Ukrainian forces withdrew from aova from there they have been retreating towards poov aazing GE Logistics base and transport H for Ukraine’s Armed Forces where multiple roads and Rail lines intersect since the first break through of Ukrainian defense lines in April near the village of otin Russian forces have advanced to over 20 kilm towards poov in early September Ukraine transferred more forces to this area but Russia hasn’t moved any of its own away towards ksk pushing for more advances towards poov while also threatening to insert CLE a large grouping of Ukrainian forces south of the main area the Russians are pressing from two Directions They swallowed up the town of no and are pushing forward from the southeast and from ukrain which fell a few days ago if Ukraine loses poov it would be much harder to move troops provisions and ammunition to other parts of an overstretched front line here in eastern Ukraine