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here in usbekistan being here in tashen that has been really a road for cross fertilization between cultures between peoples of around the world you know it’s important to talk about this is you know creativity and cultural exchange is not only about economic value it’s also about values themselves the fourth world conference on Creative economy brought together over 2,000 Global creative leaders experts and policy makers to shape and drive progress across the creative economic sphere since we are the host country we really um really hope that uh this fourth edition would support the further development of creative economy and the conference uh because the World Conference on Creative economy actually has they really really great um goal to become uh the largest platform uh Global platform for collaboration in Creative Industries cultural and creative Industries are among the fastest growing sectors globally generating annual revenues of around 2 trillion euros and contributing 3.1% to Global GDP The Forum was a platform to discuss the impact that emerging technology Ai and digitization are having on the creative sector I think that is a huge opportunity and it’s very difficult to think about creative Industries today without digitalization but at the same time it’s a challenge first of all because we have you have to train the artistic community and the creative Community because there are risks in artificial intelligence for example substituting the artist so we need the intellectual property framework to Pro protect the creators the creative Industries are undergoing a huge transformation they drive Innovation and influence social change if he makes you slide into the far seat of the car instead of opening your door and then walking around the Gard guy is a social media content creator and he says that collaboration is key to ensure growth within the industry I think collaboration is key to bring in different Minds in the room different perspectives and also leverage other people’s networks and audiences it gives you a great way to bring firsttime viewers into your world and your audience and there’s no faster way to bring in a new audience and to combine your audience with another one collaborating as the creative industry continues to develop it’s sure to be a transformational force for future inclusive sustainable and economic growth