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are European governments still supplying arms to [Music] Israel French president Emanuel macron has joined calls for an arms embargo on Israel as it expands its war in the Middle East since the October 7th attacks several European government ments including Spain Italy Belgium and the Netherlands have either banned or restricted the sale of military equipment and weapons to Israel for fear of complicity in war crimes in the Gaza Strip EU countries are legally obliged to ensure the arms they export are not used in attacks against civilians but in the four years before the October 7th attacks the US accounted for 69% and Germany for 30% of Israel’s Imports Italy which has already suspended exports accounted for the majority of the remaining 1% It means Germany is the only European government with the real leverage to make a dent in Israel’s arms inputs now the government in Berlin categorically denies that it has stopped supplying arms to Israel since October 7th but the data shows us that exports have plunged from the value of 326.50 million e in in 2023 to just 14.5 million e in the first 8 months or so of 2024 the slowdown in arm sales is believed to be partly due to Legal challenges such as Nicaragua’s case against Germany before the international court of justice which calls for a halt to Berlin’s military supplies to Israel [Music]