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the first group of migrants uh is being transferred on board an Italian Navy ship from Italy to Albania it’s a total of 16 men some of them are from Bangladesh the rest is from Egypt and they are expected to arrive in Albania between Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning all screening procedures are being carried out both on board the vessel and upon arrival to check whether or not these migrants meet all the necessary requirements and to see whether uh there Asylum requests will be um approved or rejected um after they have arrived at the first location in this engene port area in Albania they will be transferred to the second Center uh to one of the facilities within that Center depending on their status both the centers and the procedures are managed by the Italian authorities as if these were Italian territories located outside National borders um we also understand that migrants will retain their right under International EU law to apply for asylum in Italy and those Asylum Seekers whose applications will be approved uh will have to be uh sent to Italy the two centers which were expected to open last May and which uh began operating only last week uh will initially accommodate a total of 400 migrants that number could increase to 800 in the coming weeks according to to Italian officials the agreement between Italy and Albania which was endorsed by the EU to tackle migration has been criticized by human rights groups and by Italy’s opposition parties they claim that the cost incurred by Italy to open and run those centers uh nearing 1 billion EUR are too high George orandi for euron news in Rome
5 comentários
A Europa pertence aos imigrantes. Saiam fora, europeus 😂😂😂😂
A pergunta é: Porque tem pessoas do EGITO pedindo Asilo na Europa?? Ora de perguntar ao governo egípcio o que realmente está acontecendo lá…
Sou brasileira descendente de russos e búlgaros. Estou fazendo uma doação de óvulos para as mulheres portuguesas que queiram ter filhos saudáveis, bonitos, fortes e inteligentes.
😂😂😂 The future favelas of Europe. Like a Mumbai and São Paulo. Europe is gone !
Manda tudo de volta pra africa!!!!!!