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[Music] welcome to the big question the series from EUR news where we discuss some of the most important topics on the business agenda I’m Angela van and today I’m joined by Kristoff EOP from the United Nations Industrial Development organization Kristoff thank you very much for joining us on the show it’s a pleasure to have you with us thank you very much for having me well Kristoff so a big part of unido’s work is focusing on the UN sustainable development goal of course and goal nine is a big part of that which for those who don’t know is build resilient infrastructure promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and Foster Innovation and Crystal a sustainable industrialization it it always feels like a a bit of an opsy more and how do you envisage the balance so in the past we we know that industrialization has also had a very strong footprint on environment at the same time we’re now in industrial civilization everything around us uh is industrial we all benefit from the services and products that are created every day now the big uh challenge is to make sure that everything that is produced has the less impact on the environment we have seen through uh what we call the circular economy that we can make sure we avoid waste and we can uh make sure that even the word waste should be eliminated from from the vocabulary because waste doesn’t exist it’s only a raw material that you don’t use you haven’t you haven’t found the way to use a raw material so we we could utilize all the material more efficiently we are one of the promoters of circular economy around the world and we see not only that it decreased the cost of production but also you create new jobs because instead of uh wasting or throwing away raw material you you use it you create new Industries on the on this basis and this is really something that is profitable for everyone interesting because there have been criticisms that are achieving some of the more economic industrial goals will prevent the ability to achieve emissions or ecological goals is each goal given the same importance Focus do you think and should they be given the same level I mean all those are big challenges and uh for sure you have uh maybe some U sdgs which will be the consequence uh of others let me make an A C clear example in sg9 we have a inclusive and sustainable industrialization it means for example I was posted five years in Sagal in Africa so most of the uh products fruit or vegetables for example that are produced a part of them are lost in the way we what we call the Post Harvest losses and also they are most of the time sold without any local transformation I mean if we would work to add more value on the ground train the people have the Machinery to transform the fruit in fruit juice and all those agricultural product that could create more many jobs many jobs mean that you would have an direct impact on goal one on poverty goal two on hunger uh many times women are those working in those activities so it will be goal uh four on the equality if you uh do uh utilize a Machinery that is uh more resource efficient uh you can also contribute to the all the goal related to the environment what we recommend is to in invest more on industry because industry can have a big impact on the other goals what we have seen also with the new report is that every time that you have more industry in the uh GDP or in the wealth of a country you have quasy automatically more human development it means more access to education more Access to Health Services uh more life expectancy more equality between men and women so you have a direct impact on social goals on human goals there’s an estimated $4 billion funding Gap to achieve all the stgs where can this money come from to make this happen there’s a lot of money more than we think and uh if well invested we think that we can really leverage all the society toward this goal of course well the effort made in some part needs to be made uh also globally otherwise what we see private sector complain sometime that they have many uh rules to comply with and maybe their competitors don’t have that so it’s very important to make sure we have a global playing field there’s a lot of money that is now invested you see the IRA inflation reduction act in the US you’ve seen the big uh plan recovery plan of the of Europe 750 billion to invest in New Technologies in climate friendly Technologies but you see there’s a need for more solidarity because most of the countries of the world through the covid-19 crisis they’ve been more indepted they are more ins suffering than before and we need a solidarity because if we fight climate in Europe or the us or China is very good but if we don’t do it in the rest of the world we are not going to make progress do you think that there is more support in place now for poorer countries at the moment many countries are looking more inward than outward one of the mega Trend that we have seen in the last 30 years is that for example the US and Europe so there’s a strong move now to reindustrialize what we believe is that while this is a legitimate because people need job also here is that many of those resources are in the global South I think countries should think more how to coindeal of the north cannot happen without the resources that are in the South so now how to build this partnership win-win partnership where those having the resources share them but also they keep also a part of the the wealth uh to create jobs so that people see that okay they trade their res also but they see also improvements in their everyday life that people have jobs people are more prosperous and this is what they are looking for and Kristoff finally if you had to summarize one key thing that we need to get right uh that could unlock big change across Europe and across the globe for sustainable development goals what would that be first we need to really support industry because without industry you don’t have human development and prosperity second we need of course this industry fueled by sustainable energy without energy and sustainable energy who will never reach our goal in terms of climate Kristoff thank you very much for your insights it’s been an absolute pleasure talking to you thank you very much for joining us on the big question thank you very much thank you [Music]