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there is um a growing demand and people would like to have electric vehicles and it’s always this chicken egg uh challenge at the end of the day so if there is a demand for electric vehicles also infrastructure companies will invest into charging infrastructure companies like like Ikea um who have huge Global fleets very very ambitious targets I would say they’re leading they’re leading the pack they’re working very hard to get the right regulation in place in order for them to meet their very ambitious commitments Global businesses with operations both sides of the Atlantic you want to see a similar level of ambition you want a consistency ambition so they can deliver Fleet electrification plans before maybe these markets are really solid and and it doesn’t matter what the government thinks anymore right but we got at least five more years before we’re there so I think it’s very important that the US has to keep going and if the US stops supporting the vehicles I think it’s a big problem it is true that now with the elections there are some concerns that that might change in United States but I also think that the ball is kind of rolling I don’t think really that any Administration can stop this regardless of elections results European competitiveness is at stake in this rapidly changing landsc from New York mik mon for EUR news