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while Americans are anxiously awaiting the outcome of this historic presidential race Washington is bracing for the worst the District of Columbia is preparing for another violent attack of supporters of Donald Trump should he lose to camela Harris as you can see behind me the White House complex is looking like a fortress a black metal fence of more than 2 m in height has been added to already existing tight security measures Federal and local authorities fear scenes from reminisent of the deadly assault on the capital on January the 6th 2021 on that day a pro Trump mop ransacked the halls of Congress as the then president spread lies about his election loss and today again Trump has already started to question the Integrity of the vote before ballots are counted especially in Georgia that southern state Republican top election officials and the courts have debunked claims of fraud thought but that hasn’t stopped Trump from repeating them resulting in an atmosphere of Suspicion and anxiety will the election be peaceful America is holding its breath Stefan groer Euro News Washington
3 comentários
Será mole😂…nada haver com do Gorbachev 😂😂😂. Não sejam nervos e um ciclo q ninguém escape(escapi😂😂😂)…q é hoje ou amanhã a Karma funciona sempre
Os pobres de Direita dê um salve aí. Não importa quem vença os Brics vão avançar e cada vez mais negociar sem usar o SWIFT e o dólar.
Donald Trump Eleito presidente da República do USA