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for if you see the images of Israeli people that of course also are partly hooligan and also really did I think things that were not good in the day before and you really should condemn that and I really can understand that young Muslim people here feel you know triggered by it and want to do something back I can understand how that works you know I don’t I don’t agree with it but but then you see as Jew as Jew as Jew living in Israel or living here in nland you see is I being attacked but being asked by the people while they being attacked if they are Jewish so you see there you know this Comm and it fright you it’s really uh dangerous to to to tell uh wherever that you are Jewish or um um or maybe have Israeli family or so we are really really scared at the moment um about what’s going on and about the anti-Semitism and uh the Netherlands not really doing something to change that this was a political action and we cannot use anti-Semitism this city is full of people who are Jewish who are supporting side who are demonstrating side by side to us a lot of people have felt uncomfortable to even wear CIA all week because we’ve heard about the racist attacks all week uh and about buildings and people being targeted because they look Muslim or because they wear a first of all Banning the legal demonstration because then people would have been in one place the authorities know how to deal with these situations uh and secondly allowing makabi holigans for two days to roam the street and intimidate people
8 comentários
Lembro que a primeira vez que li sobre o holocausto fiquei estarrecida e pensei graças a Deus isso é passado a humanidade de hoje é civilizada ,meu Deus como estava enganada
Reportagem totalmente parcial pró muçulmanos que estão a agredir quem não faz parte da religião deles.
Violência, extremismo religioso e político não fazem parte do mundo do desporto.
O Islâmicos radicais são a serpente que se escondem na erva.
Os Islâmicos tolerantes são a erva que esconde a serpente.
Moral: o Islão não defende a vida, mas sim a morte.
Deportem todos os envolvidos
Amsterdam tem que ficar de olho e selecionar muito quem entra e sai do país . Ter mas segurança nas ruas estive uns meses atrás teve brigas mas rua luz vermelha infelizmente . Amsterdão tem linda 🤩
É bem simples de entender: Os israelitas em Amsterdã buscaram o contato e o contato veio
Foram lenhados por taxistas! 😂
Mas deacordo os canais tugas q comenta aqui isso só acontece no brasil de “terceiro mundo”