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and we would reiterate that call give us a full picture here what is the situation well there’s nowhere nowhere safe in Gaza um that’s been said by many people I would Echo that uh including the safe zones including the safe zones um and unfortunately all parties to the conflict are not respecting uh the sanctity of sites that should be safe for civilians which includes hospitals and includes uh schools both unra and Pa schools and we would reiterate that call that all parties to the conflict respect the sanctity of those places so that civilians can find safety for themselves and for their families can you say today that unra has thrown out all Hamas operatives well no I don’t think anybody could say anything about with certainty about any of their Workforce anywhere uh we have over 13,000 people uh we do take the neutrality very seriously as shown by the commissioner General’s very Swift action but no I can’t with certainty say that’s done um I don’t have evidence of more I can’t say that and if we did we would take action
3 comentários
Israel está destruindo o povo palestino e tomando as suas terras desde 1948. A Bíblia é o livro mais genocida da literatura, é um manual para destruição de povos e tomada de suas terras – Noam Chomsky.
Claro que não há um lugar seguro em Gaza, Israel só ataca civis e suas infraestruturas.
Há décadas Gaza é um matadouro, inclusive de colonos.