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21 comentários
Williams still did an amazing job. So much respect for Carlos. He could have gone to cry in his beer but he stayed and provided feedback that helped Alex make P4/5.
Car-loss signs
Logan's is back?
Carlos in a Williams and has his car lost
End of precedent short Carlos don't say hello. Next short :
You can do it Carlos, cheer up!!

Welcome "New Sargent"
2022 Leclerc wins
2023: Leclerc dnf
2023: Verstappen wins
2024: Verstappen dnf
2024: Sainz wins
2025: sainz Dnf
2025: Norris wins
2022 Leclerc wins
2023: Leclerc dnf
2023: Verstappen wins
2024: Verstappen dnf
2024: Sainz wins
2025: sainz Dnf
2025: Norris wins
2022 Leclerc wins
2023: Leclerc dnf
2023: Verstappen wins
2024: Verstappen dnf
2024: Sainz wins
2025: sainz Dnf
2025: Norris wins
The williams mechanics are the unluckiest in the f1 grid.
also 999th like
Bro will be Sainz's move to Williams the same joke as Perez to Red Bull, it better be not the same
Williams mechanics must have PTSD
He forgot Williams has much, much less downforce than a Ferrari
Don't remind me
He just wanted the young bloods to feel better about going off is all
Williams is so strong i think Albon in 4th but if Antonelli had not penalty Albon Had to finish in 5th place
Wall ADS FOR Louis Vuitton Logo.
Sainz is obviously an upgrade over Sargeant/Colapinto but it’s been completely overlooked that he was in the top 5 for crash damage last season, (along with Albon).
They’ll both need to minimize incidents so that money goes towards upgrades instead of repair.