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36 comentários
lewis :what have i gotten myself into 😐😐😐
I came for the comments and it didn't disappoint me 😅
Italian incompetence must be studied
It's Raining let's do Hard tiers 😂
The book with Ferraris words of wisdom will have more pages than the bible
Jaja fue genial
Radio of the year in the first race
Talk about useless
He means the drinking water
It was raining 🌧️😆
My front wheels fell off,
“Ok pull over”
Me and my family were cracking up after this!
Typical Ferrari day. Nothing new here.
Ferrari’s race engineers are a joke! It’s been for years a clown show on the radio! They have to replace them
Scene from the Titanic.
must be the water
I bet what he meant to said was rain, but instead he said water
This must be the fastest "Graziealcazzo" ever recorded to man.
Bro knew he was in a meme clip
Leclerc: I have a puncture
Engineer: Must be the tyre
Back in the days F1 drivers pi..ed in their cars. Mechanics resigned because if this.
Imagine getting trolled by the official f1 channel
Reminds me of when Lance crashed and they asked if he could bring the car back 😂
"engine is smoking"
"must be uhh smoke"
Italian weekend clowns lol
I'm sure Lewis will win his 8th with this 💀💀
No way this is real, but it actually is unfortunately…
Cant wait for Hamilton to develop this type of sarcasm.
Ferrari never stops amaze😂😂!! F1 is back baby
Prolly must have meant "must be the rain".
"It must be the water" (Australia 2025)
"Ok, but…ok" (Australia 2022)
Brian is the new Xavi 🤣
One for the 2025 meme reel please 😅
Water rain water
oh… the engineer should've told Leclerc: "if you put water on a seat, it becomes the seat… be water my friend"
“Must be the [DRINKING] water.” 🫣