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21 comentários
Whose car is that near the barriers?
And if you’re Pierre Gasly at Suzuka, reduce that visibility by 70%.
In any case, they see more than we do with the onboard cameras.
Quite a lot of forced feedback ngl
Nope, what an F1 drivers’ camera sees in the rain.
Well, not really. That's what a Camera pretending to be a driver sees.
I mean, seriously, go outside, take a picture, then have a look with your own eyes. You see so much more, right?
Not if you are in the lead it isn't!
the light brake that blinking? is that automatic during rain? or the racer put on the brake? serious question
Did you know it’s so hard to control the amount of pressure in the F1 car the have to slow down so much in the rain to get traction
You dont want this job lol
Must be the water. Also scientists just found out water is wet! 😃😃😃😃👍👍👍👍😃👍👍
The water makes it slippery.
Must be the rain
보통 심장으로는 불가능 할듯
You have split second to see doohan go off.
Tbh better than I thought
Worth's through high pressured adds BRAVO!
And they don't have any windshields 😮
You Will Find This Even More Impressive When You Find Out This Is A P.O.V. Of A 18 Year Old Rookie Race Car Driver In His First Ever F1 Grand Prix Race.
Bro was aura farming the whole race 😂