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21 comentários
RedBull Always Wins
This shows just how hard a Redbull is to drive. Liam was way off Max from the start of the weekend. The setup and ultimately the grip and downforce profile is so front biased (making the rear loose), that every second driver in that team cannot put it on the limit like Max does. At some point Redbull may have to decide what to do to win the constructors, either have one driver consistently in points, and not win, or make the car more neutral to gain constructor points for both drivers. It may very well come down to sacrificing Maxs world championship hopes to win constructors, as there is no one with that car setup that will be within 200s of Max as a second driver. Let’s hope Liam gets the hang of it soon, who knows he might be the one. The field is so tight this year, these factors may very well come into play.
He won't last in that seat.
Loads of armchair experts in the comment section. Who are you? What have you achieved in your life? Yes, thats right. Nothing. Give Liam a break and let him do his thing. Its eary days, and I think he will do just fine.
Keep pushing Liam!! Love this content!!!
It was a brutal race to watch in the end, but he did complete the second fastest lap of the race 💪 Can’t wait to see what he can do this weekend in the dry ☀️ 🇳🇿
Big Fan of Liam! The second seat in redbull isn't easy, drivers like Gasly, Albon and Perez struggled alot. So the fans should give him more time. He deserves the chance. Tsunoda wouldn't be better.
Love this hope we keep getting them!🔥
👎 Bound to fail! Put Yuki instead and/or bring Checo back.
Loved this. Please make one for every race.
Featuring max and Liam.
Thank you
I know you did all this behind the scenes filming for this video but honestly you probably should have just thrown it away.
Cool insight. I’d like to see more videos like this after every race he does.
Incredible production on this one
Chin up Liam. You are going against the greatest of all time (in the making). Unknown track, less experience. Your time will come. There's a reason you got that seat, now don't let that pressure knock you over.
Tsunoda by September
He's had one race in the most difficult to drive car on the grid. Tone down the negativity people. He will do great, just give him time.
I wouldn't have uploaded this.😂
Perez Junior
Well well well