Últimas 📢
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17 comentários
There are no mandatory pit stops in a gp.
100 km is called a hectokilometer, or the distance between Philadelphia and New York.
So glad he is still here!
dam is Bottas running behind the cars on the sprint?
Lewis definitely needs a scooter for this 👴
Love this guy! He's so funny
Valtery we need you
Give him 1 race
He will prove It🎉
The stamina!
Where is the 360 cam?
Props to the camera-man who also ran with Valtteri
Im glad he is still around.
Thanks Mercedes for Valtteri 's videos, it would have been a shame not to see him again
1st, I actually believed it for a second😅😂
My attempt at a romantic dinner ended with us ordering takeout because I accidentally set off the smoke alarm while trying to impress with my culinary skills. Next time, candlelit takeout it is🧡
I tried to surprise my partner with breakfast in bed. It was sweet until I accidentally spilled orange juice on the sheets. Nothing like a sticky situation to start the morning😛