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17 comentários
Buen cambio de neumáticos! Buena carrera y pole para mañana.Hay qué puntuar lo máximo.Mclaren
in Guido’s voice Pit Stop. ✋
Come on boys you can do it 💪 just brilliant 😂 keep up the good work 👍
Як для вболівальника Феррарі, це виглядає загрозливо
Perfect and slick ,makes a good tune with an OK at the end ,🧡🧡
I love the wheels
Most underrated people in f1
Up out in down go McLaren go McLaren go McLaren go
did i watch this 35457687875645458767 times? yes
This is the best part of my day. Thanks for making it.
This is the type of energy we need. Great vibes.
Contrata o Bortoledo 🇧🇷
Go Papayaaaaaa!!! Let's go Oscaaaaaaaar 🧡🧡🧡
I tried to repeat the trick from this video, and now I have a new record – lots of laughs and a minor disaster😚
So fast
My boyfriend watched this video with me and now thinks he can be a star too. I think we have a new hobby💝