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37 comentários
The GOAT returns.
It’s beautiful to see Lewis not fighting with a car on high speed corners, he was dealing with that the last 2 years consistently
This gave me Top Gun 2 vibes, when Maverick was forced to step down as an instructor but took it upon himself to do the simulation course to prove it's possible, then obliterated the mission time to beat. Never doubt Sir Lewis.
Now every one can see that lewis only needs the machine underneath him to perform, he'll do the rest, and that goes to say, the rest of the other drivers will not beat him.
44th comment
Get in there Lewis
Man lewis was definitely born to race what a driver
Formula 1 is reaching new leves of the entertainment! Keep going!
Go Lewisssdd
That was actually a very very clean lap absolutely flawless.
Get in there Lewis. 💪
🎉 This is how you do it.
is the upper one in the new wider FOV or the normal one?
Finally he has some pace
The F1 admin really be milking Hamilton’s pole lap😂
the video feels like a game.
still amazing lap from lewis
Funny to see everyone was calling him washed and in his second qualifying all be it a sprint he slaps it on pole. Tbh as a Lewis fan I thought it would take him all year to out qualify Charles! Bravo Lewis
nice to see him competitive again
Rocketman! 🚀
🎊♥️You go Sire!♥️🎊
having watched the ghost lap with max, wow you can see how little correction or if not none correction from lewis at all. its as if the car goes wherever he wanted it to go. what a clean lap
This cars sounds terreable just hate this electric lawn mowers, we cant continue like this in formula, what are we doing here.
Subscribed because of this masterpiece!
How many Lewis sprint pole posts do u want
Never thought of it that way, thanks!
0:58 Awesome skill
359th viewer in this video, and 94th like.
putting shorts to full use, amazing
Guys i think admin is a Lewis fan
Cz nobody would hype someones pole position tat much😂😂😂
Guys he finally pressed K1🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥
Best driver on the grid
Hammer Time it's back baby!!!!
Nah no shot he actually pulled it off in the new car on second race weekend in a Ferrari f1 🏎️
He pressed K1
San diego