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G each day over 10 Palestinian children will have one or both legs amputated many without anesthetic each day on current rates an average of 3,900 Palestinian homes will be damaged or destroyed more mass graves will be dug more cemeteries will will be bulldozed and bombed and corpses violently
Exed what we saw today is a state South Africa standing up for a terror organization which is a basically shame on sou Africa for doing that Israel is executing its right to self-defense after the October 7 Massacre and there are still 136 Israeli Israelis hostages that are held by Hamas the extraordinary nature
Of this case is not lost in anyone the fact that Israel finds itself at the international court of justice accused of breaching the genocide convention the convention that exists in response to the murder of 6 million Jews during the Holocaust is remarkable but South Africa is arguing there hasn’t been a case in
Recent history more important for the protection of the court and the future of international law sha Murray EUR news the ha