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The immediate and approximate context for the specific allegations of genocide claimed by South Africa lies in the event of the 7th of October as the president of the European commission put it on the 19th of October there was no limit to the blood Hamas terrorists wanted to spill they
Went home by home they burned people alive they mutilated children and even babies why because they were Jews they supported the is unconditionally European you know key figures European leaders EU leaders other European leaders they went there to give Israel you know like uh green light to continue in their crime since a
Beginning I think the Europeans they are losing their role and their morality as the course will take years to issue a ruling on genocide South Africa has requested it order nine provisional measures which include the prevention of further irreparable harm against Palestinians in Gaza and also include a full suspension of the Israeli
Military campaign there Israel says this is impossible because it wouldn’t apply to Hamas which could still send Rockets into Southern Israel the court is due to decide on this in a matter of weeks shaa Murray the ha Euro News
3 comentários
Parabéns África do Sul 👍
Se Bibi fosse presidente do Bananil, teria de arrasar com metade do país para acabar com os sequestros e assassinatos. 🫢
Genocídias sem dúvida.
O que Israel está a fazer na faixa de Gaza é uma limpeza étnica.