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Control system which propose also uh rot camera system uh to monitor the migrants movements and of course we will gather and We Gather it already the experiences uh of the Border guard uh and other services uh from the last two years uh and uh of course we will cooperate with
The other services of uh our alliances count the report of Estonian foreign intelligence how Russia will probably reconstitute its military capabilities in 3 to four years it is an important factor but it also depends on our side if we are able to help Ukraine enough so
That they will win that will also change Russia’s plans and there Estonia L Lithuania and Poland we have assumed this sort of leadership role that we have they have to be the ones who are uh also trying to inspire the others that they would uh they would also move with the speed of
Relevance Army the issue of regulating the situation on the EU eastern border seems to be crucial not only in terms of migration but in terms of common security system and response strategy movik for EUR news for more so
8 comentários
Nova cortina de ferro, a Rússia vai falir igual a antiga União Soviética. 😂😂😂😂😂
Tá chegando a 3 g …😬
Mas uma marionete dos estados unidos!
Quem tem loira e ruiva tem qualidade.
Parabéns Polônia 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Nós Europeus 🖐️ temos de ajudar a Polónia, são e serão sempre europeus … não como os Orcs russetttes !
Quem tem c _ u, tem medo