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17 18% of Ukraine is currently occupied by by Russia now around 7% of that was already occupied prior to 2022 uh it’s important to recall that this war actually began in 2014 with the occupation of crime and the Russian intervention in East Ukraine in the dbas region the offensive fell short of the
Goals that were set at the beginning of the offensive so uh the aim of course was that there would be a number of substantial breakthroughs that the significant amount of territory would be taken from the the Russians and that really didn’t happen despite quite a considerable effort by the ukrainians
And also some support from its allies EU member states and um institutions have as of January 15th pledged 144 billion in total commitments however we only find that about 77 billion of these have actually been allocated to specific pages at the moment the number of refugees globally from Ukraine is 6.4 million and
The vast majority of those are in Europe and I think it’s also important to mention that inside Ukraine there’s also 3.7 million people who remain internally displaced so in total there’s more than 10 million people who’ve been forced to free their homes
1 comentário
Já morreu 1 milhão de ucranianos nisso aí. Já estamos no segundo exsrcito… O primeiro tinha cerca de 700 mil. , pode aumentar esses números aí, pq se a Ucrânia tá mal na guerra é pq os melhores já morreram.