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Be proud of who you are where you come from and what you’re doing each and every day of the year a seed of empowerment has been planted on them and this seed encourages them to pursue their dreams and make a difference hello and welcome to Kata 365
I’m Laya Huma and this is the first of two special episodes where we honor the inspiring women of Qatar each blazing the trail in their own Fields breaking barriers and inspiring others to achieve their version of success but first we meet someone who’s Making a Splash in
The world of science and another who’s at the Forefront of qatar’s digital Revolution science technology engineering and Mathematics together they make up stem a giant network of industries that quite literally makes the world go round for years it’s also been known to be a male dominated field but Qatar is among
Many countries determined to change that by diversifying its stem Workforce those efforts start here at the ministry of communications and information technology the place powering up qatar’s digital transformation and leading the charge with Iman Al Kari my role as the Director of digital Innovation is about spearheading the Smart Country program where we’re
Actually digitally transforming different sectors and seeing where technology makes sense to improve the quality of life from Real Time crowd and traffic management to food security analytics the high-tech solutions from the ministry’s digital transformation program tashmo smart kataar stems from its Innovation lab we try to bring the
Different backgrounds the people who are looking into the future who are the researchers from academic fields of research institutions but also bringing the people from the industry with the people from the different sectors that are looking to see how they can apply these Technologies iman’s commitment to creating a diverse working environment
Starts from the youth she helped develop Studio 5 a tech initiative targeting young women we wanted to explore how technology is actually working they can develop video games out there using these Advanced softwares that you see them use in big corporations there’s been a global push in recent
Years to get more young women to pursue a career in stem here in Qatar those efforts have been taken up a notch to make sure that more women are being represented in positions of power someone who has the power to shape qatar’s policies on sustainability is Dr
Dimma al-masri I lead the Water Project research at Arna and uh what we do now is we work on uh BAS basically Water Resource Management and achieving water Security in C for resilience towards climate change Dr dima’s passion ignited from an early age inspired by the story of Arin
Brockovich her determination to turn the tide in water research led her to spending a decade as a scientist at Kiri hbku working on the treatment of waste water there was a strong need for the country to treat waste water and reuse it for irrigation not only irrigation
But other applications as well in the industry such as for cooling and cooling plants Dr dimma acknowledges that the industry needs more women there were a lot of times where I was the only woman in the room even though most of the times I didn’t feel like I was the only
Woman right now I’m very open to giving help and advice and feedback to any woman that comes to me that’s trying to enter that field and Beyond just reading more about stem Dr Dima says bringing it into everyday conversations is a helpful way to make the industry less intimidating once you do incorporate
Stem topics in your daily conversations it would open you up to more thoughts and ideas and the St field would feel more normal it’s a sentiment Iman agrees with but also adds another powerful daily habit be proud of who you are where you come from and what you’re
Doing each and every day of the year please celebrate yourself every single day because you are doing amazing it can be hard to start a business from scratch but sometimes all you need is a little guidance and that’s what the Doha women Forum aims to do Empower women across all sectors to turn
Their dreams into reality whether it’s to lead a company or sell a product and every year the organization dedicates an entire day to hold Roundtable discussions panels and inspiring Talks by women leaders entrepreneurs and Industry experts I caught up with konita Pon the founder of DOA women Forum to learn
More K thanks so much for speaking with us today firstly what inspired you to launch Doha women Forum what’s the goal of this organization and how has it grown since its Inception you know I’ve been here in Qatar for uh a while and I’ve come across many amazing stories
About women and I believe these women deserve a platform to share their stories and Inspire others though how forum is not just an annual event where you network or you connect with like-minded individuals it has grown more than that I’ve seen you know women coming out of the Forum feeling
Inspired motivated and ready for action ready for transformation ready for change a seed of encouragement a seed of empowerment has been planted on them and this seed encourages them to pursue their dreams to find their voice or they call falling and make a difference so the Doha women Forum will
Be marking its seventh year this year and every year it keeps getting bigger and bigger what are you expecting this year the upcoming seventh edition of dman forum in September is anticipated to Mark another significant Milestone so this year we are there are high hopes of attracting International delegates to
Join forces with the local Advocates further solidifying qatar’s position as a focal point for women’s empowerment in the region one of the main challenges that women all over the world face is at some point in their lives they have they feel like they have to choose between
Career and family but what are you and your organization doing to change that mentality I think this is the beauty of what Doha women Forum has been doing for several years through discussions we learn of the various initiatives and ADV vacy efforts of the organizations that are empowering women you know to pursue
Both their career goals and family aspiration simultaneously and this helps us to move forward together to toward uh gender equality and um [Applause] fairness the fashion industry isn’t necessarily known for its inclusion but one katari based designer is trying to change that gills mulux me recently hosted a forum celebrating sustainable
Fashion and disability inclusion and as ad halim found out the idea is to make fashion fun and accessible for all Gils mul lakmi is on a mission to improve inclusivity in the fashion industry and she has plenty of support Samantha bulock is a london-based inclusion Advocate this challenges that a lot I
Think nowadays disabled people are is starting to see to be seen as a consumer you need to consider that in some point in life all of us are going to have a disability so it’s something that is almost touch like 100% of the population we need to find easy [Applause] Solutions one such solution is this leather bag she co-designed with a Brazilian brand as you can see we have these Loops here this is something that’s is quite easy but you can put this behind of our chair and if you don’t need that in the case you can just
Remove the loop and you have so the solutions are quite simple we have this is one of the solutions we don’t have like one fit all because one’s ability is completely different than another one this two-day event sustainable fashion and disability inclusion is the brainchild of mul lakmi batan who’s no
Stranger to Breaking barrier years she created her gills mul laki fashion brand 10 years ago and produced shows for Middle Eastern designers at New York Fashion Week which made her the first designer from qar and first brand from India at the prestigious event in New York Fashion Week it’s very difficult to
Get selected especially you have a high competition globally but there is lots of uh importance given for anything that you’re doing for a Community First of the things is sustainable fashion that if your company is highly sustainable it really values in the fact fion week and second thing it’s your
Contribution this is the men’s line gills Prides herself on creating luxury sustainable fashion as well as modest designs she says sometimes new ideas don’t work right away but require trial and error to get them right we first brought an idea creating men’s to with linen it was catchy but
What they said is that to is considered to be something that cannot wrinkle so we had to change the idea we had to try getting a fabric that looked similar to to but it was maybe from recycled material so we are working on this project now and soon we will be doing a
Collaboration with one of the industries here in K she created this fashion meet sustainability event to provide awareness to designers also about the need for inclusion Gils mul laki believes events like this will help address gaps in the fashion and design Industries the curator hopes this one will encourage sustainable and socially
Conscious initiatives to not only include INE people with disabilities but also Inspire and Empower them Jackie Bowen is inspired she’s trying to introduce sustainable materials to the local exhibitions and events industry she’s been in cut for more than 30 years and has seen a change people are more
Aware of you know what we’re doing to the planet and I think people are looking now for materials that are a substitute for wood and plastic her company discovered a material in Germany which she says is a strong lightweight and sustainable paperboard it’s processed in Sweden and is 100%
Recyclable to me it’s very important about when you’re using something what happens to it after and at least we know with this that when you’ve taken it off off an event it has another purpose you can either recycle it which means that you’re not harming the environment you
Know even if you got small pieces you can give it to the school kids for them to use for projects and there’s always a a second use third use to this with without actually just getting it and dumping it in the waist it’s been a pleasure to share
These inspiring stories of women in Qatar who are empowering their communities regardless of their profession or physical limitations we hope you’ve enjoyed this episode but that’s all the time we have for now for more check out your.com and connect with us through our hashtag thanks for
Watching and we’ll see you next time on Qatar 365
2 comentários
Qatar não Catar
Mais bonitas que as tugas que não se depilam.