this program is brought to you by Morocco Kingdom of Light located at the entrance of the straight of jalter at the crossroads between two seas and two continents welcome to Tangier you cannot fail to fall in love with the city it’s one of the oldest in Africa with over 2, 500 years of History so join me to discover its wonders well what better place to start than Morocco’s oldest golf course it’s founded in 1914 the tangia Royal Golf Country Club is also one of the oldest in Africa located in the center of the city the Tangier Royal Golf Country Club extends over an area of approximately 65 detas how you doing good good to see you welcome to Royal Country Club of T well I think you’re going to be taking me around right here I think so I’m going to scoot here into the wagon blue this is a beautiful place I can see why you’re so fond of this course it is amazing it certainly has for me the most charm of all the Moroccan courses it’s an 18-hole course it’s hilly especially the first nine it’s a challenging course but it’s a lovely course so you never feel really bad once you finish no no matter how badly you’ve played because this is a great place to play golf it’s a technical course with a mixture of hills and flats sometimes challenging sometimes simple and a few surprises today I’m in the grand Soco that inspired novel of the same name by Joseph kessle now as soon as you enter the old Medina you are greeted by an abundance of beautiful scents and smiles and also there you’ll find lots of local street food to sample the beautiful city of tangia boasts these Unforgettable Landscapes and fans of Greek mythology have to check out the cave of Hercules which you can find just around here at Cape spartel you can see why the beautiful scenery has seduced writers adventurers and artists for centuries including Ernest Hemingway Truman kotti Jack kowak yugin dequa Cammy sanso and matis all fell under its spell well to find out more about Tang’s amazing art scene I’ve come to the right place this is the Museum of Contemporary Art hello hello Salam alaykum thank you nice to see you I’m aiz the two guide in Tangier and I welcome you to discover the beauty of Tanger the seity of art great come with me please looking forward to this thank you what does the art scene like today so actually to talk about art in Tangier we need to know very well the history of this beautiful city and actually Tangier is considered the point meting between Europe and Africa the history of tangin is very rich what would you say attracted artist to tangir so tangir attracted everyone and especially artists so t here thanks to its location thanks to its history and Cosmopolitan side you know this made of Tanger a very special City and an attraction for everyone to finish my Tangier experience I’ve come to play a round of golf at alua golf club alhua golf club is a unique course surrounded by a protected forest and the Atlantic conceived and designed by the famous Architects gr Marsh and VJ Singh the course stretches over 110 hectares between Tangi and AA so the Alara golf club is a manificent 18 hols champ courses with a length of around 7,600 yards mhm uh and it features two swings room indoor room for Education a nine-hole compact practice facilities which are all foodly the 13th hole is a very nice hilly hole with an eventful green and big bunkers that defend it the icing on the cake is a golf hole that ends on the sea with a magnificent view of the Atlantic and if you’re interested in other courses there’s the cabon Negro golf nestled on the slopes of the Riff Massi facing the sea this program is brought to you by Morocco Kingdom of life
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Grande emboscada do ha-mas no começo da semana em Gaza. Soldados feridos e m0rtos chegaram em helicópteros em Israel
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Enquanto Bostileiros n tem vida digna jjj