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26 comentários
Wish you'd used the white livery instead of RB, their livery is amazing, this is just the same livery
Bybit (or however they were called) is gone and I am happy, that's an improvement on the livery
Finally the RB21 is here.
Never change this design

on track, on photos, just as the suits, THEY STAND OUT and are always recognizable in a second 
Why not white the RB looks so good
5 years same formula
wow an added tint of red
why didnt the red bull drivers say anything at the show? i am really mad
its RB21?
Lets Gooooo

Stale design, needed a change years ago.
Say no more! Take my money!!

Should've been white
I think now I can say Max, it's time for you to go into solo mode because right now it's going to be really hard for the car to have balanced performance.
Hi admin
Most importantly; I hope it is FAST.
Lmao alpine wtf was that

Looks the same as the last 4 years
I hope you focused more on the car's performance. We have to get Max #5!
Well there's a Red line.
Building it for 20 years
This looks the same again
Best thing they didn't show, ….. the floor! I bet this will be number 5 for Max!
Haz milagros con esto Max
Yeah you know what they say if it ain't broke don't fix it