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20 comentários
It wasn’t safe for duolingo
for the passengers maybe. everyone in the other car will die, getting pancaked against the cyberbrick
I'd wonder if they have fixed the mounting point where the trailers hitch hooks up point.
If NHSTA knows what’s best for them they better be giving Elon gold stars !!
We love Tesla
Please release new videos of CT in snow and icy conditions to show the naysayers and media that it can indeed drive in snow and ice (with winter tires, of course). They keep spreading misinformation about the CT so having a primary source to debunk their FUD narratives would be nice.
Regardless of who their boss is, these are some talented young people.
Would be great to see some pedestrian impact tests – but we all know what would actually happen when anything living gets bent around that sharp set of angles, so I won't hold my fingers crossed.
I was looking to upgrade from a Model 3 to a Cybertruck but instead sold my Model 3 and will NEVER buy a Tesla again because Elon supports Russians committing genocide in Ukraine.
Should be banned in Europe, very unsafe for other road users and pedestrians.
It's just not safe on the outside, thats all.
Question: Doesn't NHTSA and NCAP always buy cars with the purpose of testing, for the sake of the most unbiased testing of said vehicles? This is to avoid company bias and to avoid like companies giving them cars specially designed for those test that aren't the same cars sold to the market.
because here seems like Tesla brought them the vehicles themselves, unless I'm wrong.
very cool truck but shame about the nazi stuff
Thanks so much Tesla team for all of your hard work and dedication. Cybertruck is my next vehicle to buy.
good job
Amazing job to the engineers and rest of the team
Almost took out that garage door
Tesla needs to dump Elon Musk ASAP. Tesla needs a new CEO.