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39 comentários
Did he say skissors instead of scissors ??
Like so count:12
Dont make Lando do this, let the drivers take a rest.
It's a good job Lando is still in school so he had pritstick
Put it on like so, like so, like so, like so, like so and… LIKE SO

That had me dying. Also did he just call a glue stick a Prix stick????
Ahh the way he says scissors I used to always say that as a child
McLaren is one bad quality video from basically being duolingo
i used to make these when i was 10 loll brought back memories
There we have it, like so… beautiful!
He's scarily good at this
I thought these are supposed to fly?
I'd be more impressed if Lando could correctly point to China on a map.
I spent at least a minute watching a 25 year old man make a paper craft
Hahaha he is so random! But love to see it Lando

Class is in session guys time to get serious.
I’m not McLaren fan bUt I truly love and appreciate Lando Oscar and pr-team that creates this type of content guys I’ve NEVER laughed so much in my freaking life before I found McLaren team channel thank you
Lando show his other skills apart from driving
Lando in his natural habitat way from f1
I believe there is 11 “like so’s” also love the British thinks like skizzers
I can’t imagine Senna, Prost or Schumacher or Hakkinen doing some stupid videos like these. The world has become insane
I want to see them in the box
Best wishes for Chinese grand prix

"Like so"
There's nothing quite like Mr Lando's Art & Craft lessons!
"If you can keep up"

Lando art time

Lando Lantern making class!
Awesome job Lando…
Crafty guy in action , love to join you someday.
Akash kandil
If you're still in school, you should have one if not….Nick one from your kids
He is going to get bullid by f1 drivers
i feel like he might have said “like so” …. just a couple times…

also i love how the lanterns are still papaya themed 

You never fail to impress! Thanks for everything.
I can feel the dedication in this. Keep going strong.
Gonna try it!
Gonna try it
He's such a cutie
Sure sir

Does McLaren reply…testing…?
Let's be honest, "Netflix and Chill" should be followed by "HBO Max and Massage My Feet.