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31 comentários
The reason RedBull is still contending is because of how beautifully aggressive Max takes those corners. You can see in the straight the rebuild cannot hang with Ferrari and we seen what McLaren is packing and yet Max skills make up for some of the obvious problems with the car
Hamilton is one of the greatest to do this
Clearly shows, why Max’s mistakes each turn makes what Red Bull suspect as a possible 3rd world championship for Max period
The micro adjustments costing max time
RB corner beast
SF straights monster
Were finally getting red vs blue
f1 is copying formulaaddict
Esta claro que hamilton gana por la potencia del motor y verstapen se le acerca en las frenadas y toma mejor las curvas
Where is slowson?
The Ferrari is quick.
F1Addict channel admin is punching the air right now, lol.
The Ferrari is quick ont the straights. Max reactsquicker and is late on the brakes
Would love to see more of this.
Ferrari straight line speed

Max on corners
They need to credit those independent channels that were doing these first

I wanna see the whole race like this.
I see the admin has been watching F1 addict’s videos lately
Me parece fascinante la comparativa de estos shorts. Mas contenido igual, por favor

These are great! Keep it up, very interesting to see!
Max has great entry but lewis better him during the exit
give us more of this
Excellent !
My goodness, that ferrari is much faster in the straights but Max is so late on the breaks it nearly makes up for their lack of speed
For a second I thought you made an eight wheeler!!
Woww Amazing….
More isometric!!!!
Best rivalry of the century so far
Depending on how accurate this is it seems the Ferrari's better in straight line speed and the Red Bull has better cornering speed but it looks like it has a bit of throttle on over steer at corner exit. Or maybe thats just Max coming off line intentionally.
What 0.018 difference looks like…